If I can teach you how to get homes at a discount and sell them to buyers paying you $10k to $100k+ EVERY month.....For lifetime support and ONLY a one-time payment of $997 would it be worth it to you? 

Features & Affiliations

What is Real Estate Wholesaling?

Real estate wholesaling is a real estate investment strategy that involves the acquisition and subsequent assignment or sale of properties without making any significant repairs or improvements. Wholesalers act as intermediaries between motivated sellers and potential buyers, typically other real estate investors. You can do deals all over the US without having to even see the property. 

Here's how the process of real estate wholesaling generally works:

Real estate wholesaling requires strong negotiation skills, knowledge of the local market, and a network of potential buyers and sellers. It can be a quick way to generate income in real estate investing without the need for significant capital or long-term ownership of properties. However, it's important to comply with local laws, regulations, and licensing requirements that may apply to wholesaling activities in your jurisdiction.


In this program, you will learn the cheapest way into the real estate industry called wholesaling. You will learn the secrets to finding off-market properties that every investor in the WORLD seeks. The business model of wholesaling is simple to understand as you read above. You are simply the middle man of a transaction and can make $20k, $50k, $100k+ PER DEAL. Deals typically also get paid out in 30 days from the executed  A to B contract. 

This is a master class program that includes 40+ recorded training videos (15+ hours of training & counting), 21+ downloadable resources, Monthly Zoom Q&A calls, support with deals, and more! The craziest part is that the average wholesale deal is around $15,000 and this program is only a small investment of $97  for LIFETIME ACCESS.  This is the ONLY wholesaling group you will need to be in HANDS DOWN. 

It also has a 100% no-results money-back guarantee.  I'm looking for people who truly want to take action in their lives and are ready to say enough is enough! It's time to put ME first!

Modules, Documents, and Tools

Download contracts, rewatch trainings you missed, and get the latest tools to be sucessfull. 

Weekly Mastermind Calls 

Join our Q & A style call every week on Tuesday at 8:30 pm to make sure you are staying on track. 

Accelerator Programs

Bonus offers to fast track your success with our cold callin or facebook ads accelerator program.

Module Breakdown

Module 1-Wholesale Transaction from A to Z

In Module 1 all your questions about how wholesaling works as far as the transaction side of things get answered. At the end of this module you will have mastered the paperwork and how to get a deal from A to Z.

Module 2- Marketing Strategies 

As a wholesaler your are a marketer! When you read my story below you will see how I mention how thankful I am that I had my marketing agency before starting wholesaling because it helped a ton. I don't think their is a wholesaling coaching program/course out there that is even sharing 30% of the marketing strategies that I will be sharing with you.

Module 3 - Communicating with Sellers 

Money comes from conversations. In this module you will master the art of talking and negotiating with home owners. I've been calling homeowners, hosting live workshops, and have hired/trained dozens of people for several years. You will learn every known objection and how to navigate in converations. You will sound like you have been in this business for years to every homeowner you speak to. 

Module 4 - Evaluating Properties 

If you have know idea about property types, asset classes, or how to inspect a home. This module will answer all those questions for you. You will learn how to estimate repairs, run comparables to find the after repair value, and simply master evaluating properties. 

Module 5 - Property Data Management

This may not be everyone's favorite but it is important because you will be looking at data all of the time. This is making sure you know how to understand different columns when you pull data. I also give you the top websites you can get a list of motivated seller data. I also show you how you can organize your data and skip trace to get phone numbers so you can begin calling people immediately. 

Module 6 - Finding & Marketing to Buyers

This the fun part where you get to find out how much you can sell your deals for by  building your buyers list. I show you how to find cash buyers that will close on your deals and get you paid! I also go over the most important questions and how to qualify them to make sure they are REAL. This will help you seal the deal. 

Module 7 - Bonus Training (Always adding)

This is where I get to have my fun and give you every last bit of everything to get you successful and also help you scale. Here in these bonus trainings I will be doing live deal walkthroughs, calling sellers live, showing you how to hire virtual assitants, show you how to use certain popular tools I use, and much more! I will be adding videos here monthly because the industry is always changing so this will also keep you up to date on the latest trends in the industry. 

Take a Sneak Peak

If you want to take an even closer look before getting started sign up for my FREE real estate wholesaling mastermind to get an overview of the program. 

If you submit your accountability report and do everything I say for the first 3 months and you still don't get a deal. You will get a 100% refund and I will pay you $1,000 just for wasting your time. 

The Community 


About Me

Joshua M Davis 

Your life is a product of your environment. Started my first ever company at the age of 18 years old which was a digital marketing agency. I decided to drop out of college to pursue entrepreneurship. I maxed out credit cards just to go to events to surround myself with like-minded people operating on a high level far from where I was at. 

It's crazy how when you get around high-level people how quickly your perspective changes and interest change.. It wasn't until my mindset changed that I understood the value of being around him more to learn and grow. 

Around this time I was hitting the ground running for my marketing agency. I was getting clients to pay me anywhere from $1k to $3k monthly to manage their marketing. One day I went to a real estate office that was holding a networking event and I thought it would be a great place to get more clients for my marketing agency. I went there and met the owner that showed me a way to get into real estate called wholesaling without needing money and it really intrigued me. I basically worked for free in any way that I could and learned the business of real estate in the process. One thing that I am still thankful for to this day that still helps me is the fact that I started with marketing. As a wholesaler, you are a marketer. You have to market to find deals and I used my skillsets which gave me an edge to take off quicker. I ended up partnering in a joint venture and we were doing deals left and right making hundreds of thousands of dollars together shortly after. This was really when my life started to change and I really started to understand what was possible in Real Estate Investing and why most millionaires have come from real estate investing. At this time I was still only around 21 years old.

As I started reaching major milestones of success my network also changed drastically. I've appeared on Bravo TV for my marketing agency selling out a huge real estate conference with a lot of stars in attendance. I've got invited out and held workshops to brokerages and other real estate teams across the US. You may have heard of some like Coldwell Banker and EXP Realty. I have reach and contacts that are the top people in this industry of real estate wholesaling doing millions of dollars year after year. I am blessed and grateful to have learned the skillsets and gotten to a point at a young age where I no longer have to stress about where I am going to get money and depend on working for someone else. This has also enabled me to be able to provide and do things for my family and myself. I have a true passion for teaching and I have always had the give back mentality since becoming an entrepreneur. I always knew that once I mastered something I would share it with as many people as I know to help grow with me especially in these hard times with everything going on in the world today.  I hope you can be another person to trust in me and become another success story. 

Just a few deals I've closed on...You are next!

Your Network = Your Networth

I'm simply a product of my environment. If you change your circle you will change your life. I would love to have you a part of mine. 

Go to his facebook and see the video where I was the one to bring him to the stage at our office! Learned a lot from him!

Conference in Dallas TX with some top sharks doing $1M plus in wholesaling ! Was a a great time!

Sold out a huge real estate conference in Jersey City and appeared on Bravo TV


Can I do this everywhere and virtually?

This is the best part you can do this anywhere and never have to even see the property. In this course I actually show you how to estimate repairs and make offers based on photos alone. You can also build relationships with people in any market just by simply picking up the phone!

How much money & what type of license do I need to do this business?

You need little to no money at all to get into the business. To get your first deal you can just find a distressed home in your neighborhood, skip trace the property to get the phone number of the homeowner, lock the deal up, and find a buyer to close and pay any cost. You don't need to be a licensed realtor either. Just starting off until you get your first deal I don't think you should spend any more than $1,000. If you want to leverage paid ads,  SMS blasting platforms, direct mail, and other marketing channels to give you a boost to get closer to your next deal you can. You can get a boost by only leveraging a few hundred dollars. For people working full-time, I recommend this to help offset the time you can't put in during the week. In conclusion, you can get your first deal with not even paying $1 and you don't need to be licensed to wholesale. I just recommend having a company to operate in. 

How old do I have to be to do this business?

I would say 18 or older and if you are younger get that LLC started with a parent or legal guardian. 

How long will it take to get my first deal? 

If you follow everything I tell you to do you should be getting seller leads within the first couple weeks of marketing and should eventually close on your first deal within 3 months! In any industry, it all comes down to your work ethic. I recommend you have at least a couple of hours a day to do this. 

How is the support and how can I reach you? 

I have a direct line you will see that you can contact me directly and I have calls every Tuesday at 8:30 pm Est. I am a phone call person and I told myself I would never be one of those people that have a course with those hidden phone numbers. The only way you can speak to someone is to book a call or send an email to support which can take forever. I have a specific student line that you can call/text at any time. My team and I make sure to be available to help you.  

Contact Me 

Feel free to email me our team anytime or shoot me a DM on Instagram @_joshmdavis I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Email: info@joshmdavis.com